Low alcohol

Blazer Strong non-carbonated
Cocktail Blazer Strong non-carbonated 1.5L
Blazer Strong non-carbonated is a surprisingly harmonious combination of strength and sophistication..
Blazer Strong non-carbonated
Cocktail Blazer Strong non-carbonated 1.5L
The "Blazer Strong non-carbonated" cocktail is a true embodiment of strength and durability. A mixtu..
Blazer strong punch and orange
Cocktail Blazer strong punch and orange 500ml
This cocktail "Blazer strong punch and orange" is a real storm of flavors and aromas! The fiery flam..
Blazer Strong Sherry Brandy
Cocktail Blazer Strong Sherry Brandy 1.5L
Blazer Strong Sherry Brandy is a stylish and sophisticated cocktail that wins hearts with its sophis..
Blazer tangerine
Cocktail Blazer tangerine 500ml
This sophisticated Blazer Tangerine cocktail combines the bright glow of orange tangerine with the f..
Blazer tangerine
Cider Blazer tangerine 500ml
"Blazer tangerine" is an exotic cocktail that awakens all your senses. The combination of the fresh ..
Blazer tarragon
Cocktail Blazer tarragon 500ml
The "Blazer tarragon" cocktail is an amazing combination of the piquant taste of tarragon and fiery ..
Blazer tonic light
Cocktail Blazer tonic light 500ml
"Blazer tonic light" is an exquisite cocktail that combines the lightness of tonic and the fiery hea..
Blazer watermelon
Cocktail Blazer watermelon 1.5L
"Blazer Watermelon" is an amazing cocktail that combines the freshness of aromatic watermelon notes ..
Blazer watermelon
Cocktail Blazer watermelon 1.5L
Shining like fire, the "Blazer watermelon" cocktail is an exceptional combination of juicy aromatic ..
Blazer white grapes
Cocktail Blazer white grapes 1.5L
This "Blazer white grapes" cocktail is the perfect combination of the exquisite taste of white wine ..
Blazer white grapes
Cocktail Blazer white grapes 1.5L
This Blazer white grapes cocktail is an exceptional combination of freshness and sophistication. It ..
Blazer with orange flavor
Cocktail Blazer with orange flavor 1.42L
This stunning cocktail "Blazer with orange flavor" is a true work of art in the world of cocktails. ..
Blazer with plum flavor
Cocktail Blazer with plum flavor 1.5L
This amazing cocktail "Blazer with plum flavor" is a unique combination of fiery passion and delicat..
Blazer with white grape flavor
Cocktail Blazer with white grape flavor 1.42L
Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication with our unique cocktail "Blazer with..
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