Sparkling wine

Crimean Isabella
Sparkling wine Crimean Isabella red medium sweet 750ml
Crimean Isabella is an incredibly aromatic and thick wine made from exclusive grape varieties in the..
Crimean Isabella
Sparkling wine Crimean Isabella red medium sweet 750ml
Crimean Isabella is a wine designed to draw attention to the natural advantages of Crimea. This spar..
Crimean Koktebel
Sparkling wine Crimean Koktebel white brut 750ml
Sparkling wine "Crimean Koktebel" is an amazing fragrance of the Crimean coast. This is to drink a w..
Crimean Legacy muscat
Sparkling wine Crimean Legacy muscat rose sweet 750ml
Crimean Legacy Muscat is an exquisite sparkling wine created in the heart of the picturesque Crimea...
Crimean legend
Sparkling wine Crimean legend rose medium sweet 750ml
The mesmerizing taste and aroma of the magnificent sparkling wine "Crimean Legend" will take you int..
Crimean legend
Sparkling wine Crimean legend white medium sweet 750ml
"Crimean Legend" is an exquisite sparkling wine created from selected grape varieties from the sunny..
Crimean Muscat
Sparkling wine Crimean Muscat brut 750ml
"Crimean Muscat" is an exquisite sparkling wine created from selected varieties of Muscat grapes gro..
Crimean Muscat
Sparkling wine Crimean Muscat white
"Krymskoe Muscatnoe" is a rich and harmonious wine with a sensual aroma of currants and grapefruit c..
Crimean Muscat
Sparkling wine Crimean Muscat rose medium sweet
Krymskoe Muscatnoe is a wine with a sparkling citrus aroma and soft notes of nutmeg. It is grown on ..
Crimean Muscat
Sparkling wine Crimean Muscat rose medium sweet 750ml
"Krymsky winery Muskatnoe" is a bright and beautiful grape elixir, created on the shores of the Crim..
Crimean muskatnoe
Sparkling wine Crimean muskatnoe white sweet 750ml
Crimean Muskatnoe is an exquisite sparkling wine of the sunny Crimea, created from selected Muscat g..
Crimean muskatnoe
Sparkling wine Crimean muskatnoe rose sweet 750ml
"Crimean muskatnoe" is an exquisite sparkling wine created on the sunny slopes of the Crimean mounta..
Crimean new light seasoned new light
Sparkling wine Crimean new light seasoned new light red medium sweet 750ml
"Crimean new light seasoned new light" is an exquisite sparkling wine created with special attention..
Crimean noble
Sparkling wine Crimean noble white medium dry 750ml
The real pearl of the Crimean peninsula is the sparkling wine "Crimean Noble". This magnificent wine..
Crimean noble
Sparkling wine Crimean noble medium sweet 750ml
"Crimean Noble" is an exquisite sparkling wine created on the shores of the Crimean Peninsula from t..
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