Sparkling wine

Sparkling wine Hermitage brut 750ml
Sparkling and fresh wine "Hermitage" is the true embodiment of sophistication and sophistication. It..
Sparkling wine Hermitage medium sweet 750ml
Sparkling sparkling wine "Hermitage" is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. Its unique..
Sparkling wine Hermitage white brut 750ml
Sparkling golden wine "Hermitage" is an exquisite combination of freshness and elegance. Aromas of c..
Hermitage elite.
Sparkling wine Hermitage elite. medium sweet 750ml
"Hermitage Elite" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for true connoisseurs of luxury and refined..
Hermitage elite.
Sparkling wine Hermitage elite. brut 750ml
"Hermitage Elite" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value exceptional quality and..
Herres chard.ries.
Sparkling wine Herres chard.ries. white extra dry 750ml
Herres chard.ries is an exquisite sparkling wine with a unique character and delicate aroma. Made fr..
High Coast
Sparkling wine High Coast 2017y white extra brut 750ml
"Vysokiy bereg" is a wine with a charismatic aroma and subtle notes of melon, peach and apricot. Thi..
High Coast aged
Sparkling wine High Coast aged red medium sweet 700ml
"High Coast aged" is an exquisite sparkling wine created from selected grape varieties grown on the ..
High coast aged
Sparkling wine High coast aged rose extra brut 750ml
"High coast aged" is an exquisite sparkling wine created using the best grape varieties grown on the..
High coast Kuban aged
Sparkling wine High coast Kuban aged white extra brut 750ml
High Coast Kuban Aged is an elegant sparkling wine created from selected grapes from the high mounta..
High Light Premium
Sparkling wine High Light Premium white medium sweet 750ml
"High Light Premium" is a magical drink that will take you to the world of exquisite tastes and uniq..
Homestead divnomorskoe blanc de blanc
Sparkling wine Homestead divnomorskoe blanc de blanc white extra brut 750ml
Homestead divnomorskoe blanc de blanc is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value exc..
Sparkling wine Hope white medium sweet 750ml
"Hope" is a sparkling wine filled with freshness and optimism. Its bubbling bubbles fill the bowl wi..
Sparkling wine Hope white medium sweet 750ml
"Hope" is an exquisite sparkling wine that is filled with light notes of freshness and optimism. Its..
Sparkling wine Hope rose medium sweet 750ml
"Hope" is a sparkling wine that is filled with freshness and hope. Its sparkling bubbles remind you ..
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