Sparkling wine

Sparkling wine Laurent-Perrier white brut 375ml
Sparkling wine Laurent-Perrier is the true embodiment of sophistication and elegance. Its delicate g..
Sparkling wine Laurent-Perrier brut 750ml
Sparkling like the starry sky on a summer night, Laurent-Perrier sparkling wine has a unique charm a..
Champagne Laurent-Perrier brut 750ml
Champagne "Laurent-Perrier" is the true embodiment of sophistication and luxury. This sparkling gold..
Champagne Laurent-Perrier brut 750ml
Champagne Laurent-Perrier is an exceptional creation of masters of their craft, which easily transpo..
Champagne Laurent-Perrier brut 375ml
Champagne "Laurent-Perrier" is the true embodiment of sophistication and luxury. Its unique bouquet ..
Champagne Laurent-Perrier white medium dry 750ml
Champagne Laurent-Perrier is the true embodiment of sophistication and luxury. Its exquisite taste w..
Sparkling wine Laurent-perrier white brut 750ml
"Laurent-Perrier" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value exceptional quality and..
Champagne Laurent-Perrier white brut 750ml
Champagne "Laurent-Perrier" is an exquisite creation that amazes with its unique elegance and exquis..
Champagne Laurent-Perrier 3 years white brut 750ml
Laurent-Perrier is an exceptional champagne, distinguished by its beautiful, brilliant foam and ligh..
Laurent-Perrier Alexandra Grande Cuvee
Champagne Laurent-Perrier Alexandra Grande Cuvee 2004y rose dry 750ml
Laurent-Perrier Alexandra Grande Cuvee Rose coffret is an amazing champagne that gives your evening ..
Laurent-Perrier Cuvee
Champagne Laurent-Perrier Cuvee rose brut 750ml
Laurent-Perrier Cuvee is an incomparable exquisite champagne, which is created from the best sparkli..
Laurent-Perrier Cuvee
Champagne Laurent-Perrier Cuvee rose brut 750ml
Laurent-Perrier Cuvee Coffret is an elite champagne created according to the most ancient recipe. Th..
Laurent-Perrier cuvee rose
Champagne Laurent-Perrier cuvee rose brut 750ml
Laurent-Perrier cuvee rose is an exquisite champagne created from a mixture of the best grape variet..
Laurent-Perrier demi-sec
Champagne Laurent-Perrier demi-sec medium dry 750ml
Laurent-Perrier demi-sec is an exquisite champagne that perfectly combines sweetness and freshness. ..
Laurent-Perrier Grand Seicle
Champagne Laurent-Perrier Grand Seicle brut 750ml
Champagne Laurent-Perrier Grand Siecle is an exceptional creation of wine masters, combining exquisi..
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