Strong Drinks

Slavic special
Vodka Slavic special 250ml
"Slavic Special" is an exceptional vodka created for those who value true quality and tradition. Its..
Slavic special cedar
Vodka Slavic special cedar 250ml
"Slavic special cedar" is a unique vodka created for connoisseurs of quality alcohol. It has an exce..
Slavic special cedar
Vodka Slavic special cedar 1L
"Slavic special cedar" is a vodka with a special character, created for connoisseurs of quality alco..
Slavic special cedar
Vodka Slavic special cedar 1L
"Slavic special cedar" is a unique vodka created for those who value exceptional quality and unique ..
Slavic special cedar
Vodka Slavic special cedar 750ml
"Slavyanskaya special vodka" "Slavyanskaya special vodka" "Slavyanskaya special vodka" is an exquisi..
Slavic special on limes. color
Vodka Slavic special on limes. color 250ml
Slavic Special with Lime is a bright and refreshing vodka that captures the essence of Eastern Europ..
Slavic special rye
Vodka Slavic special rye 250ml
"Slavic special rye" is an exquisite vodka created from selected rye raw materials according to anci..
Slavic Suite
Vodka Slavic Suite 250ml
"Slavic Suite" is the true soul of Slavic culture, frozen in every drop of this exquisite drink. Thi..
Slavic Suite
Vodka Slavic Suite 1L
"Slavic Suite" is a true embodiment of the Slavic spirit in every sip. This vodka has a unique chara..
Slavic Tavern horseradish
Vodka Slavic Tavern horseradish 500ml
"Slavic Tavern horseradish" is a true embodiment of Slavic culture and traditions. This vodka has a ..
Slavic wheat
Vodka Slavic wheat 250ml
"Slavic wheat" is an exceptional vodka created from the most selected grains of Slavic wheat. Its un..
Slavic wheat
Vodka Slavic wheat 500ml
"Slavic Wheat" is the perfect combination of noble purity and exquisite taste. Created from selected..
Slavic wheat
Vodka Slavic wheat 750ml
"Slavic Wheat" is a true symbol of the homeland, illuminated by moonlight and imbued with the spirit..
Slavic wheat
Vodka Slavic wheat 1L
"Slavic Wheat" is an exquisite vodka created from selected Slavic wheat grains grown in fertile fiel..
Slavic wheat Crystal
Vodka Slavic wheat Crystal 250ml
"Slavic wheat Crystal" is a true symbol of luxury and sophistication, created from selected wheat gr..
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