Strong Drinks

Vodka Taiga 500ml
Vodka "Taiga" is the true spirit of the wild and unconquered taiga, frozen in every drop of this dri..
Vodka Taiga 700ml
"Taiga" is a vodka created for those who prefer the real power and wildness of nature. Its unique ta..
Vodka Taiga 700ml
"Taiga" is a vodka that captivates with its wild beauty and power of nature. Created from selected g..
Taiga blueberry
Vodka Taiga blueberry 500ml
Taiga Blueberry is a vodka inspired by the wild and beautiful northern nature. The rich aroma of fre..
Taiga bouquet
Infusion Taiga bouquet sweet 500ml
This elegant drink, created from selected herbs and berries from the Siberian taiga, envelops you wi..
Taiga cedar
Vodka Taiga cedar 500ml
"Taiga cedar" is a unique vodka created from selected grains and filtered through weedy cedar from t..
Taiga distance
Vodka Taiga distance 250ml
"Taiga Distance" is an exquisite vodka created for true connoisseurs of quality alcohol. This drink ..
Taiga distance
Vodka Taiga distance 500ml
"Taiga Distance" is a vodka created for true fans of nature and freedom. Its pure and deep taste see..
Taiga distance
Vodka Taiga distance 500ml
"Taiga distance" is a vodka created for those who appreciate the distant and unexplored expanses of ..
Taiga Doctor
Balsam Taiga Doctor 100ml
Balm "Taiga Doctor" is a real healing elixir made from the purest and most exotic taiga herbs and be..
Taiga healer
Balsam Taiga healer 500ml
Taiga healer balm is an exceptional alcoholic drink that is created to restore your vitality in body..
Taiga lingonberry
Vodka Taiga lingonberry 500ml
"Taiga lingonberry" is a true gift of the northern forests, the embodiment of wild beauty and unique..
Taiga lux
Vodka Taiga lux 100ml
"Taiga Lux" is an exceptionally pure and crystal clear vodka, created for true connoisseurs of true ..
Taiga lux
Vodka Taiga lux 250ml
"Taiga Lux" is the sparkling soul of the Siberian expanses, captivating with its cold and pure taste..
Taiga lux
Vodka Taiga lux 500ml
"Taiga Lux" is an exquisite vodka created for connoisseurs of true quality. The cool and clean taste..
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