Strong Drinks

Vodka Talka 1L
Vodka "Talka" is a unique and inimitable adventure into the world of aromatic and fresh taste. The d..
Vodka Talka 500ml
Talka is vodka that is like talking to yourself in the silence of the night. Its exquisite taste and..
Vodka Talka 375ml
"Talka" is an exceptionally pure and deeply penetrating vodka that will captivate with its exquisite..
Vodka Talka 1L
Talka is an intriguing vodka with a distinct character. It is made from traditional Russian ingredie..
Vodka Talka 100ml
"Talka" is an exceptionally high-quality vodka prepared according to a traditional recipe from the b..
Vodka Talka 250ml
Talka is a vodka that exudes luxury and quality. It is made from premium alcohol, thanks to which it..
Vodka Talka 375ml
Talka is a wonderful blend of vodka and natural ingredients. This aromatic juicy drink will give you..
Vodka Talka 100ml
Talka is a refined alcoholic drink produced by a famous Russian company. This drink is made from the..
Talka + mittens
Vodka Talka + mittens 700ml
Talka + mittens is a sparkling vodka created for those who value warm communication and cozy evening..
Talka Classic
Vodka Talka Classic 500ml
"Talka Classic" is the perfect combination of the traditional taste of vodka and inimitable aroma. I..
Talka Classic
Vodka Talka Classic 700ml
Talka Classic is an excellent vodka created using an ancient recipe and the most modern technologies..
Talka Ledyanka special
Vodka Talka Ledyanka special 500ml
Talka Ledyanka special is vodka prepared according to a classic recipe using exclusively fresh raw m..
Talka Lux
Vodka Talka Lux 500ml
Talka Lux is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication in the world of vodka. Its unsurpassed..
Talka Lux
Vodka Talka Lux 700ml
Talka Lux is an exceptionally pure and incredibly harmonious vodka, created for true connoisseurs of..
Talka Lux
Vodka Talka Lux 700ml
"Talka Lux" is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. This vodka is created for those who..
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