Strong Drinks

Tanduay s superior
Rum Tanduay s superior 12 years 700ml
Rum "Tanduay's Superior" is an exceptionally luxurious and refined drink created for true connoisseu..
Tanduay select blended
Rum Tanduay select blended 700ml
Rum "Tanduay Select Blended" is a refined and exclusive drink created for true connoisseurs of quali..
Tangle ridge
Whiskey Tangle ridge 750ml
Tangle Ridge is a superb whiskey that offers an exceptional combination of rich and sweet notes of f..
Gin Tanqueray 750ml
Tanqueray is the art of blending the finest botanical ingredients to create a unique taste and aroma..
Gin Tanqueray 1.75L
rich aroma of citrus, spices and herbs, a balanced taste with notes of oil, cinnamon and green apple..
Gin Tanqueray 1L
Elegant and sophisticated, Tanqueray Gin is the true embodiment of British sophistication and tradit..
Gin Tanqueray 50ml
Tanqueray Gin is an exceptionally refined drink, filled with the aromas of botanical herbs and citru..
Gin Tanqueray 750ml
Tanqueray Gin is art in every sip. It merges with your feelings, like music for the soul. Its aroma ..
Gin Tanqueray 50ml
Tanqueray is an exquisite English gin created with a unique combination of botanical ingredients inc..
Tanqueray (round)
Gin Tanqueray (round) 375ml
"Tanqueray (round)" is an exquisite gin created for true connoisseurs of quality alcoholic beverages..
Tanqueray 192b
Gin Tanqueray 192b 50ml
Refreshing and sophisticated, Tanqueray 192b is the perfect blend of classic botanicals and modern e..
Tanqueray bloomsbury
Gin Tanqueray bloomsbury 1L
Tanqueray Bloomsbury is a sophisticated and stylish gin, created for connoisseurs of true taste. Its..
Tanqueray Dry
Gin Tanqueray Dry 1.75L
Gin "Tanqueray Dry" is an exquisite and luxurious drink created for true connoisseurs of quality gin..
Tanqueray Dry
Gin Tanqueray Dry 375ml
Tanqueray Dry is an elegant and sophisticated gin, created for true connoisseurs of quality drinks. ..
Tanqueray Dry
Gin Tanqueray Dry 750ml
"Tanqueray Dry" is an elegant and sophisticated gin that embodies true British quality and tradition..
Found 49917