Strong Drinks

Troekurovka grape
Vodka Troekurovka grape 500ml
"Troekurovka Grape" is an exquisite vodka created for true connoisseurs of true taste. The rich arom..
Cognac Trofeiny 4 years 100ml
"Trofeiny" is an exquisite cognac created for true connoisseurs of a noble drink. Its aroma is fille..
Cognac Trofeiny 4 years 375ml
Trofeiny is a true masterpiece among cognacs, created for true connoisseurs of the noble drink. Its ..
Cognac Trofeiny 4 years 500ml
Trofeiny is an incredibly juicy and elegant cognac made according to the traditional recipe of ancie..
Cognac Trofeiny 4 years 100ml
Cognac "Trofeiny" is an exceptional and unique work of art of French cognac masters. This cognac has..
Cognac Trofeiny 4 years 250ml
Cognac "Trofeiny" is an exquisite wine with a wonderful and harmonious aroma. It combines notes of c..
Cognac Trofeiny 5 years 250ml
Trofeiny is the most outstanding cognac at the moment. It has an incredible taste, combining notes o..
Brandy Trofeinyi 500ml
Trofeinyi is a refined alcoholic drink that embodies a combination of exceptional quality and excell..
Vodka Troika 500ml
Vodka "Troika" is an exceptional trio of purity, freshness and sophistication. Its unique taste and ..
Troika birch Juice
Vodka Troika birch Juice 500ml
Troika Birch Juice is a unique vodka created from selected grains and natural birch sap. Its delicat..
Troika birch Juice
Vodka Troika birch Juice 700ml
Troika Birch Juice is an exceptionally luxurious vodka created for those who appreciate the art of t..
Troika Lux silver filtration
Vodka Troika Lux silver filtration 500ml
Troika Lux silver filtration is an exceptionally pure vodka that has gone through a unique silver fi..
Trois renards Napoleon
Cognac Trois renards Napoleon 200ml
"Trois renards Napoleon" is an exquisite cognac created for true connoisseurs of a noble drink. Its ..
Trois renards Napoleon
Cognac Trois renards Napoleon 350ml
"Trois renards Napoleon" is an exquisite cognac created for true connoisseurs of a noble drink. Its ..
Trois renards Napoleon
Cognac Trois renards Napoleon 500ml
"Trois renards Napoleon" is an exquisite cognac created for true connoisseurs and gourmets. With its..
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