
Negrita Gold
Rum Negrita Gold gold 1L
Negrita Gold is a completely unique rum that offers amazing taste and aroma. It tastes rich, deep an..
Negrita Signature
Rum Negrita Signature white
Negrita Signature is a perfectly balanced rum made from the finest ingredients. Its aromatic bouquet..
Negrita Spiced
Rum Negrita Spiced gold 1L
Negrita Spiced is a beautiful blend that combines aromatic rum with flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg and ..
Negrita Spiced Golden
Rum Negrita Spiced Golden gold 700ml
Negrita Spiced Golden is a specially developed aromatic rum with an aromatic, bitter and spicy taste..
Newfoundland screech
Rum Newfoundland screech 750ml
Rum "Newfoundland screech" is a true gift of nature that takes you to the distant shores of the isla..
Ninety nine
Rum Ninety nine 1L
Rum "Ninety nine" is an elegant and refined drink created for true connoisseurs of quality rum. Its ..
Oak&eden rye&rumba
Rum Oak&eden rye&rumba 750ml
Oak&Eden Rye&Rumba is an exceptional rum that combines a richness of shades and exquisite taste. Its..
Rum Oakheart 700ml
Oakheart is a specially selected rum that is made from the finest quality sugar cane and a variety o..
Oakheart Cherry stout cher&malt
Rum Oakheart Cherry stout cher&malt 700ml
Oakheart Cherry stout cher&malt is an exquisite rum created for true connoisseurs of strong drinks. ..
Oakheart origin. Spiced g
Rum Oakheart origin. Spiced g 700ml
The enchanting taste and aroma of Oakheart Origin Spiced Rum will take you to distant tropical lands..
Oakheart origin. Spiced g
Rum Oakheart origin. Spiced g 500ml
Oakheart origin. Spiced g is a rum of the highest quality that has a rich and full-bodied taste. Its..
Oakheart origin. Spiced g
Rum Oakheart origin. Spiced g 1L
Oakheart Origin Spiced Rum is the true embodiment of passion and adventure. This unique rum has a de..
Oakheart origin. Spiced g
Rum Oakheart origin. Spiced g 1L
Oakheart Origin Spiced Rum is an exceptional drink that will transport you to the mysterious expanse..
Oakheart origin. Spiced g
Rum Oakheart origin. Spiced g 700ml
Oakheart Origin Spiced G is an exquisite rum created with special attention to every detail of the p..
Oakheart origin. Spiced g
Rum Oakheart origin. Spiced g 700ml
Oakheart origin. Spiced g is an exceptional rum that embodies audacity and passion. Its rich aroma m..
Found 2189
Rum is a strong alcoholic drink that is distilled from sugar cane. It is light brown or dark brown in color and has a sweet, rich flavor. Rum is produced in a variety of countries, but is particularly popular in Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and others. Rum may be aged in oak barrels to give it a smoother flavor and aroma, and may be divided into different varieties depending on the method of production and origin. Rum is popular in cocktails such as the Cuba Libre or Pina Colada, and can also be enjoyed neat. Rum also has cultural significance, and is part of the traditions and heritage of many Caribbean countries, which are known for their music, dance, and cuisine.