
Birch Crown
Vodka Birch Crown 500ml
"Birch Crown" is a true queen among vodkas, created on the basis of the purest and freshest key ingr..
Birch Crown
Vodka Birch Crown 250ml
"Birch Crown" is an exceptional vodka created from selected grains and the purest artesian water fil..
Birch cutting / sap
Vodka Birch cutting / sap 1L
Refreshing and natural, Birch cutting / sap vodka represents the perfect combination of raw material..
Birch cutting / sap
Vodka Birch cutting / sap 500ml
This vodka "Birch cutting / sap" is a true work of art in the world of alcoholic beverages. It is cr..
Birch cutting / sap
Vodka Birch cutting / sap 500ml
gentle and refreshing combination of forest freshness and light sweetness of “Birch cutting / sap” v..
Birch cutting / sap
Vodka Birch cutting / sap 250ml
This vodka "Birch cutting / sap" is a true work of art, created from the purest birch sap. Its uniqu..
Birch damask finish leather
Vodka Birch damask finish leather 1L
Vodka "Birch damask finish leather" is an exquisite combination of natural birch elegance and luxuri..
Birch dec (br)
Vodka Birch dec (br) 500ml
Enjoy the refined taste and unique aroma of Birch dec (br) vodka. This is a drink created for those ..
Birch drops suv.
Vodka Birch drops suv. 100ml
Enjoy the delicate and harmonious taste of Birch Drops SUV vodka, created from selected birch sap. I..
Birch forest fun
Vodka Birch forest fun 500ml
Discover the fun of the birch forest with our unique Birch forest fun vodka. This drink is filled wi..
Birch forest fun Lux
Vodka Birch forest fun Lux 250ml
Immerse yourself in the unique world of 'Birch Forest Fun Lux' vodka - a drink created for true conn..
Birch grace
Vodka Birch grace 250ml
'Birch Grace' vodka is an exquisite drink created from selected grains and natural birch bud extract..
Birch Grove
Vodka Birch Grove 500ml
'Birch Grove' vodka is an exquisite combination of purity and freshness, capturing the imagination w..
Birch grove elite
Vodka Birch grove elite 500ml
Birch Grove Elite Vodka is an exceptional drink created from the purest and most selected ingredient..
Birch grove elite
Vodka Birch grove elite 250ml
Vodka "Birch Grove Elite" is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. Created from selected..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.