
Vodka Ciroc 750ml
The exceptional Ciroc vodka is art in every sip. Created from selected grapes, it has a unique bouqu..
Ciroc + grey goose + belvedere
Vodka Ciroc + grey goose + belvedere 200ml
An exceptional vodka that combines the unsurpassed quality of three legendary brands - Ciroc, Gray G..
Ciroc amaretto
Vodka Ciroc amaretto 700ml
Ciroc Amaretto is an exquisite vodka created with love and inspiration to delight and surprise even ..
Ciroc amaretto
Vodka Ciroc amaretto
Ciroc Amaretto is a sophisticated vodka inspired by the Italian liqueur amaretto. Its unique taste w..
Ciroc amaretto
Vodka Ciroc amaretto
The refined and sophisticated taste of Ciroc Amaretto vodka will take you to the world of luxury and..
Ciroc amaretto
Vodka Ciroc amaretto
Ciroc Amaretto is a sophisticated vodka inspired by the traditional Italian liqueur. Its rich aroma ..
Ciroc amaretto
Vodka Ciroc amaretto 375ml
delicate and refined combination of almond and vanilla aromas makes Ciroc Amaretto vodka a truly sop..
Ciroc Apple
Vodka Ciroc Apple 50ml
The rich taste of ripe green apples with a slight note of freshness and a refreshing aftertaste is w..
Ciroc Apple
Vodka Ciroc Apple 1.75L
The new vodka "Ciroc Apple" is an exceptional combination of freshness and sophistication. Its uniqu..
Ciroc Apple
Vodka Ciroc Apple 1L
Enjoy the vibrant combination of the refreshing taste of ripe green apples and the exquisite aroma o..
Ciroc Apple
Vodka Ciroc Apple 200ml
Juicy and refreshing, like a merry apple wrapped in green and gold, Ciroc Apple Vodka will transport..
Ciroc Apple
Vodka Ciroc Apple 375ml
Incredibly refreshing and bright, Ciroc Apple vodka is a real explosion of apple freshness in every ..
Ciroc Apple
Vodka Ciroc Apple 750ml
The rich aroma of juicy green apple and a subtle note of fresh citrus makes Ciroc Apple an ideal cho..
Ciroc Black Raspberry
Vodka Ciroc Black Raspberry 750ml
Art in every sip - Ciroc Black Raspberry Vodka is a sophisticated combination of unique black raspbe..
Ciroc Coconut
Vodka Ciroc Coconut 750ml
Exotic and refreshing, Ciroc Coconut Vodka will transport you to the white beaches of the tropics wi..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.