
Derbend cornel
Vodka Derbend cornel 500ml
"Derbend cornel" is an exquisite vodka created from the finest grains and the clearest water. Its de..
Vodka Derbent 700ml
Derbent is an original and unique vodka made according to an old recipe. It has a pure white color w..
Vodka Derbent 500ml
Derbent is a vodka with a rich and spicy taste, which is ideal for festive gatherings. It combines t..
Vodka Derbent EXCLUSIVE 700ml
Derbent EXCLUSIVE is an exquisite and unique vodka product created on the basis of a traditional his..
Derzskaya s/t
Vodka Derzskaya s/t 500ml
Derzskaya s/t is a true symbol of strength and perseverance. This vodka is created for those who are..
Desk doctor
Vodka Desk doctor 250ml
Desk doctor is an exceptionally pure and fresh vodka that will become an indispensable assistant in ..
Deuces Wild diluted
Vodka Deuces Wild diluted 1.75L
Deuces Wild diluted is an exquisite drink that mixes strength and tenderness in every sip. Its refin..
Deuces Wild diluted
Vodka Deuces Wild diluted 1.75L
"Deuces Wild diluted" is an exceptional vodka that combines strength and sophistication. Its delicat..
Dew birch
Vodka Dew birch 500ml
Dew Birch Vodka is an exceptionally clean and refreshing drink that is filled with delicate notes of..
Dew birch
Vodka Dew birch 500ml
Dew Birch is an exceptionally pure and fresh vodka created from selected grains and natural spring w..
Dew birch
Vodka Dew birch 250ml
Dew Birch is sparkling purity and freshness that captures the soul and mind. Created from pure water..
Dew classic
Vodka Dew classic 500ml
Vodka "Dew Classic" is an exceptional drink created for those who value true quality and unique tast..
Dew hangoverless
Vodka Dew hangoverless 500ml
"Dew hangoverless" is an exceptional premium vodka created for those who value exceptional quality a..
Dew hangoverless
Vodka Dew hangoverless 500ml
"Dew hangoverless" is a truly refreshing vodka that will fill your evening with vivid impressions an..
Dew hangoverless
Vodka Dew hangoverless 500ml
Dew hangoverless is a true embodiment of the art of vodka production. Its unsurpassed soft taste and..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.