
Dobraya Soft
Vodka Dobraya Soft 500ml
Dobraya Soft is an exceptional work of vodka art. A harmonious combination of aromatic spicy and flo..
Dobry Medved Tayozhnaya
Vodka Dobry Medved Tayozhnaya
Dobry Medved Tayozhnaya is a delicious, Russian-style vodka made from premium ingredients. This vodk..
Vodka Dobrynya 500ml
"Dobrynya" is vodka created for true connoisseurs of quality alcohol. Its unique taste and aroma are..
Vodka Dobrynya 500ml
Vodka "Dobrynya" is the true embodiment of the Russian soul and courageous character. Created with l..
Vodka Dobrynya 500ml
Vodka "Dobrynya" is the true embodiment of Russian soul and strength. Created according to ancient r..
Vodka Dobrynya 250ml
Vodka "Dobrynya" is the true embodiment of masculinity and strength. Created with great Russian reci..
Vodka Dobrynya 250ml
The rich and rich taste of Dobrynya vodka will open up a world of real pleasure to you. This is a dr..
Dobrynya export
Vodka Dobrynya export 500ml
Vodka "Dobrynya export" is an exquisite drink with a rich and deep taste that will take you to the w..
Dobrynya guala
Vodka Dobrynya guala 500ml
"Dobrynya guala" is vodka with a soft and deep taste that fills the heart with warmth and joy. Its a..
Doctor of Centuries Cedar
Vodka Doctor of Centuries Cedar 500ml
"Doctor of Centuries Cedar" is an exquisite vodka created for those who value high quality and excep..
Doctor of Centuries Lemon
Vodka Doctor of Centuries Lemon 500ml
Doctor of Centuries Lemon is a true miracle of science and art in the world of vodka. Created with a..
Doctor of the Centuries
Vodka Doctor of the Centuries 1L
Vodka "Doctor of the Centuries" is an exceptional drink created using the secret recipes and traditi..
Doctor of the Centuries
Vodka Doctor of the Centuries 100ml
"Doctor of the Centuries" is a true elixir of life, created by masters of their craft for true conno..
Doctor Stoletov
Vodka Doctor Stoletov 500ml
Vodka "Doctor Stoletov" is an exceptionally pure and deep drink created for true connoisseurs of qua..
Doctor Stoletov birch
Vodka Doctor Stoletov birch 500ml
"Doctor Stoletov birch" is the highest quality vodka, created using birch wood infusion, which gives..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.