
Finlandia 101
Vodka Finlandia 101 500ml
Finlandia 101 is a vodka that offers pure bliss to your taste buds. This incredible philanthropic vo..
Finlandia 101
Vodka Finlandia 101 700ml
Finlandia 101 is an incredibly beautiful vodka with rich aromatics and a strong taste. It has a unif..
Finlandia 21
Vodka Finlandia 21 500ml
Finlandia 21 is an exceptional premium vodka created for true connoisseurs. Thanks to 21-day filtrat..
Finlandia Baby muenster
Vodka Finlandia Baby muenster
Finlandia Baby muenster is an elegant vodka created for true connoisseurs of exquisite taste. Its un..
Finlandia bf
Vodka Finlandia bf 700ml
Finlandia bf is a true embodiment of Scandinavian purity and crystal clarity. This vodka is created ..
Finlandia blackcurrant
Vodka Finlandia blackcurrant 1L
Finlandia Blackcurrant is an exceptional vodka created for true connoisseurs of quality drinks. Its ..
Finlandia Blackcurrant
Vodka Finlandia Blackcurrant 700ml
Finlandia Blackcurrant is an incredibly rich and vibrant taste of classic Finlandia vodka, with the ..
Finlandia Blackcurrant
Vodka Finlandia Blackcurrant 500ml
Finlandia Blackcurrant is a wonderful combination of aromas and flavors, highlighted by the dynamic ..
Finlandia Blackcurrant
Vodka Finlandia Blackcurrant 1L
Finlandia Blackcurrant is a true blessing for your ears and palate. The drink is made from an exclus..
Finlandia Blackcurrant
Vodka Finlandia Blackcurrant 500ml
Finlandia Blackcurrant is a vodka with a unique and attractive blueberry aroma. The taste of vodka h..
Finlandia Blackcurrant
Vodka Finlandia Blackcurrant 700ml
Finlandia Blackcurrant is a wonderful combination of cold Finland and the pleasant aroma of prunes. ..
Finlandia carry case + jug
Vodka Finlandia carry case + jug 700ml
Discover true Scandinavian style with Finlandia vodka in a stylish case with a jug. This set will no..
Finlandia Cheese - Baby muenster
Vodka Finlandia Cheese - Baby muenster
This unique drink is Finlandia Cheese vodka, infused with the delicate aroma of young Munster cheese..
Finlandia Cheese - Naturals imported Light swiss
Vodka Finlandia Cheese - Naturals imported Light swiss
Discover the true epitome of luxury with Finlandia Cheese - Naturals imported Light Swiss Vodka. Thi..
Finlandia Cheese - Naturals imported swiss
Vodka Finlandia Cheese - Naturals imported swiss
Refreshing and refined, Finlandia Cheese - Naturals imported swiss vodka is the perfect combination ..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.