
Five Lakes
Vodka Five Lakes 700ml
Five Lakes is a vodka that is a combination of freshness and exquisite taste. This product has a lig..
Five Lakes
Vodka Five Lakes 1L
Five Lakes is a luxury vodka crafted from natural herbs and spices that deliver a refined and intens..
Five Lakes
Vodka Five Lakes 500ml
Five Lakes vodka is an excellent drink with a wonderful sound and noble taste. A gentle and practica..
Five Lakes
Vodka Five Lakes 500ml
Five Lakes Vodka is a flavorful drink that has the perfect combination of freshness and warmth. Vodk..
Five Lakes
Vodka Five Lakes 250ml
Five Lakes Vodka is an amazing drink that gives its customers an unforgettable taste experience. It ..
Five lakes belaya
Vodka Five lakes belaya 500ml
Five Lakes Belaya is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. This sophisticated vodka is m..
Five Lakes Organic Filtered
Vodka Five Lakes Organic Filtered
Five Lakes Organic Filtered is a high-quality natural vodka produced at a plant in the vicinity of S..
Five Lakes Premium
Vodka Five Lakes Premium 700ml
"Five Lakes Premium" is a truly luxurious vodka, created for connoisseurs of true quality. The exqui..
Five Lakes Premium
Vodka Five Lakes Premium 500ml
Immerse yourself in a world of serenity and elegance with Five Lakes Premium Vodka. This is the true..
Five Lakes Premium
Vodka Five Lakes Premium 500ml
Five Lakes Premium is an exceptionally pure and crystal clear vodka created from selected grains and..
Five lakes silver
Vodka Five lakes silver 1L
Five Lakes Silver is the perfect combination of purity and freshness. Five lakes inspire you to enjo..
Five lakes silver
Vodka Five lakes silver 700ml
Five Lakes Silver is an exceptionally pure and deeply penetrating vodka, created for true connoisseu..
Five Lakes Silver
Vodka Five Lakes Silver 100ml
Five Lakes Silver is an amazing vodka that amazes with its purity and brilliance. It has a noble and..
Five Lakes Silver
Vodka Five Lakes Silver 500ml
Pyat' Ozer is a delicious vodka with a wonderful natural aroma and delicate taste. It has a pale gre..
Five Lakes Silver
Vodka Five Lakes Silver 250ml
Vodka "Five Lakes Silver" is an exceptional combination of natural aroma and taste. It was made from..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.