
Vodka Flint 500ml
"Flint" is a sparkling vodka created for those who appreciate the art of real taste. Its refined aro..
Flirt p/v
Vodka Flirt p/v 500ml
Flirt p/v is a sparkling vodka created for those who know how to win hearts with their charm and pas..
Vodka Flotovodets 500ml
Flotovodets is an exceptional vodka created for true connoisseurs of quality alcohol. Its unique tas..
Flotovodets baltiyskiy
Vodka Flotovodets baltiyskiy 500ml
Flotovodets baltiyskiy is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. This sophisticated vodka..
Fly away honey
Vodka Fly away honey 500ml
"Fly away honey" is a vodka that brings a feeling of lightness and freedom. With its delicate taste ..
Fly away honey
Vodka Fly away honey 500ml
"Fly away honey" is a vodka that is designed to carry you away on the wings of lightness and freedom..
Fly Garnet
Vodka Fly Garnet 1L
Fly Garnet is a vodka with an intense aroma and spicy taste. It combines notes of bitter orange, del..
Fly Green Apple
Vodka Fly Green Apple 1L
Fly Green Apple is an incredibly aromatic and fresh vodka produced using proven traditional recipes...
Fly Peach
Vodka Fly Peach 1L
Fly Peach is a unique vodka invention that combines the subtlety of peach aroma with a light and ple..
Fly Superior
Vodka Fly Superior 1L
Fly Superior is not just vodka, it is an adventure. It brings an exceptional superior taste that lin..
Flying bread
Vodka Flying bread 500ml
Vodka "Flying Bread" is an unrivaled combination of smoothness and strength, lightness and power. It..
Vodka Flyte 750ml
Meet Flyte - an exceptional vodka that seems to allow you to fly into the skies and feel weightless...
Vodka Fokinskaya 500ml
Vodka "Fokinskaya" is the true embodiment of the Russian soul and passion. Crafted from the finest g..
Vodka Folk 500ml
Folk is the perfect combination for your culinary adventures. This vodka is made from natural ingred..
Vodka Folk 500ml
Vodka "Folk" is an ancient recipe, inherited from generation to generation, which combines tradition..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.