
Fris citrus flavored
Vodka Fris citrus flavored 750ml
Refreshing, citrus-flavored Fris Vodka is the perfect combination of sophisticated purity and vibran..
Fris citrus flavored
Vodka Fris citrus flavored 1L
Enjoy the refreshing taste of summer sun with Fris citrus flavored vodka. This unique drink combines..
Fris grape
Vodka Fris grape 750ml
Vodka "Fris Grape" is an exceptional drink that combines the exquisite taste of ripe grapes with the..
Fris grape
Vodka Fris grape 1L
Enjoy the unique taste and aroma of Fris Grape vodka, which will take you to the sunny vineyards. Th..
Fris grape
Vodka Fris grape 1.75L
The rich taste of ripe grapes, light freshness and exquisite aroma - all this is presented in the un..
Fris imitation whipped Cream flavored
Vodka Fris imitation whipped Cream flavored 1L
Enjoy the delicate and light taste of Fris imitation whipped Cream flavored vodka, which caresses yo..
Fris imitation whipped Cream flavored
Vodka Fris imitation whipped Cream flavored 1.75L
The delicate taste of real whipped cream with notes of vanilla and caramel, spicy and smooth in the ..
Fris Orange flavored
Vodka Fris Orange flavored 750ml
Refreshing and aromatic Fris Orange flavored vodka is an exceptional combination of lightness and br..
Fris Orange flavored
Vodka Fris Orange flavored 1L
Discover a world of juicy taste with Fris Orange flavored vodka. The rich aroma of ripe oranges and ..
Fris skandia
Vodka Fris skandia 1L
Vodka Fris Skandia is the true embodiment of Scandinavian purity and lightness. This drink is create..
Fris vodka skandia
Vodka Fris vodka skandia 750ml
The perfect combination of Scandinavian purity and luxurious taste - Fris vodka scandia. Created for..
From Petrovich
Vodka From Petrovich 500ml
From the exquisite Italian manufacturer "From Petrovich" we present you a unique vodka that will blo..
From Santa Claus
Vodka From Santa Claus 700ml
From the great Santa Claus - a magical drink that brings joy and warmth to every home. This vodka of..
From Santa Claus
Vodka From Santa Claus 500ml
Discover the magic of taste with vodka "From Santa Claus" - a drink that will give you unforgettable..
From Santa Claus Damask Snow Maiden
Vodka From Santa Claus Damask Snow Maiden 500ml
From the great Father Frost and the beautiful Snow Maiden - vodka "From Santa Claus Damask Snow Maid..
Found 19532
Vodka is a clear, colourless alcoholic drink that is produced by distilling grains such as wheat, rye or corn. It has a high alcohol content, typically 40% by volume, although higher concentrations can occur. Vodka has a clean taste, usually without a strong aroma, and is often consumed neat or in cocktails.

Vodka is a traditional alcoholic drink in Russia and many other countries. It has a rich history and cultural significance, and can be consumed both at special celebrations and in everyday life. Some people believe that vodka has healing properties and can be used to treat a number of ailments, although scientific evidence is still lacking.