Table wine

Gavari Mukazani
Table wine Gavari Mukazani red dry 750ml
Gavari Mukazani is a wine with incredible aroma and taste that gives heartfelt pleasure to every dri..
Table wine Gelendshik red dry 750ml
Gelendshik is a wine with a unique aroma and taste. It combines notes of citrus, fruit and delicate ..
Table wine Gelendshik white dry 750ml
Gelendshik is an incredible wine produced on the Black Sea coast in the city of Gelendzhik. Sweet an..
Table wine Gelendshik red dry 1L
Gelendshik is an incredibly aromatic and beautiful wine produced in the Russian Far East. It is made..
Gelendshik Aligote
Table wine Gelendshik Aligote white dry 750ml
Gelendshik Aligote is an exceptional, selected wine from the Gelendzhik Valley. The unique aroma of ..
Gelendshik Kaberne
Table wine Gelendshik Kaberne red dry 750ml
Gelendshik Kaberne is an incredible combination of modern artistic beauty and the aroma of tradition..
Gelendshik Nektar Gelendshika
Table wine Gelendshik Nektar Gelendshika white medium sweet 750ml
Gelendshik Nektar Gelendshika is an exceptional wine produced on the vast coastline of Gelendzhik. T..
Gelendshik Neschnost
Table wine Gelendshik Neschnost white medium dry 750ml
Gelendshik Neschnost is a real treat for wine lovers. The wine goes well with fish, seafood and even..
Gelendshik Risling
Table wine Gelendshik Risling white dry 750ml
Gelendshik Risling is an exquisite white wine with an aromatic bitter-fruity flavor. The drink has a..
Gelendshik Talisman Lybvi
Table wine Gelendshik Talisman Lybvi red medium dry 750ml
Gelendshik Talisman Lybvi is an incredible and unique wine that represents the magic and mystery of ..
Gelendshik Tsaritsa Nochi
Table wine Gelendshik Tsaritsa Nochi red medium sweet 750ml
Gelendshik Tsaritsa Nochi is a wine made from the best varieties of berries and grapes collected in ..
Table wine Gemrieli red dry 500ml
Table wine "Gemrieli" is an excellent wine that harmonizes perfectly with all dishes. This is a deli..
Table wine Gemrieli red medium sweet 500ml
Table wine "Gemrieli" is an elegant and extravagant white wine that is designed to lift the mood in ..
Table wine Gemrieli white dry 500ml
Table wine "Gemrieli" combines sophistication and modernity. This aroma-rich wine with intense tones..
Table wine Gemrieli white medium sweet 500ml
Table wine "Gemrieli" is a wonderful wine with a bright aroma and delicate taste. The palate penetra..
Found 6910
Table wine is a versatile drink that will be the perfect complement to any meal. It is created for everyday consumption, thanks to its simplicity and affordability. Grape varieties used to produce table wine are selected based on their compatibility with a wide range of dishes - from simple pasta to exquisite meat dishes and desserts. The taste of table wine is delicate and soft, with subtle fruity notes that have a pleasant freshness and lightness. It will be an excellent choice for any party or dinner with friends, where its simplicity and versatility will ensure perfect enjoyment for all guests.