Table wine

Black Sea Sauvignon
Table wine Black Sea Sauvignon white medium sweet 750ml
Black Sea Sauvignon is a delicate and refined wine of bright red color with juicy aromas of fruits a..
Black Sea Sauvignon
Table wine Black Sea Sauvignon white medium sweet 700ml
Black Sea Sauvignon is a wine with a unique aroma and rich taste, obtained from traditional local va..
Black Sea vine
Table wine Black Sea vine red medium sweet 700ml
"Black Sea Vine" is a table wine with a pleasant dark red color and rich taste. It is made from vine..
Black Sea vine
Table wine Black Sea vine white medium sweet 700ml
The Black Sea vine is a real masterpiece from the ancient winemaking traditions of Crimea. An exquis..
Black Sea vine
Table wine Black Sea vine white medium sweet 700ml
"Black Sea Vine" is a wonderful wine, rich in aromas of fragrant flowers and light notes of acid. Wh..
Black Sea vine bachus
Table wine Black Sea vine bachus red medium sweet 1L
Black Sea vine Bacchus is a table wine with exquisite aromas and rich taste. The wine has a characte..
Black veil
Table wine Black veil red medium sweet 1L
"Black Veil" is an elegant and modern wine that is made from the most valuable grape varieties. It h..
Black Violet Merlot
Table wine Black Violet Merlot red dry 700ml
"Black Violet Merlot" is a fine white table wine from Italy made from beautiful black violets. It ha..
Black violet muscat
Table wine Black violet muscat medium sweet 700ml
"Black Violet Muscat" is an exquisite wine made at the famous Italian winery. It has a fresh and ple..
Black violet sauvignon
Table wine Black violet sauvignon white dry 750ml
"Black Violet Sauvignon" is an excellent table wine made from special varietal grapes, known for its..
Black violet TVK-Kuban
Table wine Black violet TVK-Kuban red medium sweet 700ml
real balm of feelings and taste “Black Violet Tvk-Kuban” from the famous wine house Tvk-Kuban will g..
Table wine Blackberry medium sweet 1L
Wine "Blackberry" is a luxurious white wine with a noble and beautiful aroma. It has a bright and el..
Blackberry Shahnazaryan
Table wine Blackberry Shahnazaryan red medium sweet
"Blackberry Shahnazaryan" is a wine that will bring real pleasure to any wine fan. This is a combina..
Table wine Blackcurrant red medium sweet 750ml
Blackcurrant wine is a unique variety of wine, which is produced from brown and burgundy currant var..
Blackcurrant fruit
Table wine Blackcurrant fruit medium sweet 700ml
Blackcurrant fruit is a wine with a luxurious aroma and sparkling color. The taste of this wine pres..
Found 6910
Table wine is a versatile drink that will be the perfect complement to any meal. It is created for everyday consumption, thanks to its simplicity and affordability. Grape varieties used to produce table wine are selected based on their compatibility with a wide range of dishes - from simple pasta to exquisite meat dishes and desserts. The taste of table wine is delicate and soft, with subtle fruity notes that have a pleasant freshness and lightness. It will be an excellent choice for any party or dinner with friends, where its simplicity and versatility will ensure perfect enjoyment for all guests.