Table wine

Caravan Saray
Table wine Caravan Saray red dry 750ml
Caravan Saray is an exquisite wine with a unique aroma and bright taste. With its interesting aroma ..
Caravan sharab madras
Table wine Caravan sharab madras red dry 750ml
Caravan Sharab Madrasa table wine is an excellent choice if you are looking for new sensations and a..
Carl Dietrich Leibsussefrau
Table wine Carl Dietrich Leibsussefrau white medium sweet 750ml
Karl Dietrich Leibsussefrau is a table wine from Germany made from ripe berries of the Ribera grape ..
Carl xoffer riesling p/s
Table wine Carl xoffer riesling p/s white 750ml
Wine "Karl Hoffer Riesling semi-precious" is the perfect balance of color and aroma. This is an incr..
Carlo rossi moscato
Table wine Carlo rossi moscato white sweet 750ml
Carlo Rossi Moscato is a unique table wine made from red grape varieties harvested in the Lombardy r..
Table wine Carmacho red dry 750ml
Carmacho is a stylish and exceptionally tasty table wine with a unique color and aroma. Its deep bou..
Table wine Carmacho red medium sweet 750ml
"Carmacho" is a rich and full-bodied table wine with an intense aroma and deep taste. The compositio..
Table wine Carmacho white medium sweet 750ml
Table wine "Carmacho" is a fine other wine from Piedmont, known for its exquisite aromas and delicio..
Carmen suite
Table wine Carmen suite red medium sweet 700ml
Carmen Suite is a table wine with a rich and multi-layered aroma, combining notes of citrus, honey a..
Carmenere grand
Table wine Carmenere grand red medium sweet 750ml
Carménère Grand is the perfect wine to give as a gift to a friend or family. It has a wonderful arom..
Carnevale di Venezia bianco secco
Table wine Carnevale di Venezia bianco secco white dry 700ml
Carnevale di Venezia Bianco Secco is a magnificent table wine that personifies the fun and colorful ..
Carnevale di Venezia rosso
Table wine Carnevale di Venezia rosso red dry 700ml
Carnival di Venezia Rosso is a wine from the Italian province of Venezia Rosso with a rich and inter..
Carnevale italiano
Table wine Carnevale italiano red medium sweet 750ml
"Italian Carnival" is a true work of art in the wine world. This Italian wine from the beautiful val..
Carnevale italiano
Table wine Carnevale italiano white medium sweet 750ml
Italian Carnival is a wine that is a perfect combination of color, aroma and taste. It is created fr..
Caroline Bay
Table wine Caroline Bay 2018y white dry 750ml
Caroline Bay is a luxury wine from New Zealand, very popular all over the world. It has a bright and..
Found 6910
Table wine is a versatile drink that will be the perfect complement to any meal. It is created for everyday consumption, thanks to its simplicity and affordability. Grape varieties used to produce table wine are selected based on their compatibility with a wide range of dishes - from simple pasta to exquisite meat dishes and desserts. The taste of table wine is delicate and soft, with subtle fruity notes that have a pleasant freshness and lightness. It will be an excellent choice for any party or dinner with friends, where its simplicity and versatility will ensure perfect enjoyment for all guests.