Beer Dingslebener Sanddorn-Weizen light 4.7%

  • Color:  light
  • Strength 4.7 %
  • Germany

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Dingslebener Sanddorn-Weizen is an incredibly aromatic and tasty beer created by professional brewers in the German region of Bavaria. This flavorful drink is made with high quality ingredients including wheat, cranberries and pearl barley. When preparing, extracts from the dendrological tree sap of a port wine bottle are used, which adds a pleasant sweetness to the drink. Overall, this beer has an aromatic and delicate hop flavor with a pleasant acidity. The rich color gives a pleasant appearance when cooked. This beer goes well with dishes made from fish or seafood, as well as cheeses. Enjoy the delicious Dingslebener Sanddorn-Weizen!


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