Sparkling wine

Sparkling wine Koblevo white medium sweet 750ml
Koblevo is a sparkling wine with brilliant aromas of citrus and delicate notes of apples. Dark red s..
Kobrand taittinger nv La francaise
Sparkling wine Kobrand taittinger nv La francaise brut 375ml
This sparkling wine "Kobrand Taittinger NV La Francaise" is a true embodiment of French charm and so..
Sparkling wine Koels white medium sweet 750ml
"Koels" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value exceptional taste and unique styl..
Konstantin Dzitoev
Sparkling wine Konstantin Dzitoev white brut 1.5L
"Konstantin Dzitoev" is an exceptional wine with a unique taste. It has an intense and rich aroma of..
Konstantin Dzitoev KD 4
Sparkling wine Konstantin Dzitoev KD 4 white brut 750ml
Konstantin Dzitoev KD 4 is an incredibly luxurious sparkling wine made from the best grape varieties..
Konstantin Dzitoeva KD Seigner
Sparkling wine Konstantin Dzitoeva KD Seigner rose brut 750ml
Konstantin Dzitoeva KD Seigner is an excellent sparkling wine from a well-known producer. All wine i..
Konstantin Dzitoeva Petnat pearl
Sparkling wine Konstantin Dzitoeva Petnat pearl white brut 750ml
"Konstantin Dzitoeva Petnat pearl" is an exquisite sparkling wine created with love and respect for ..
Kooyonga Creek sparkling shiraz
Sparkling wine Kooyonga Creek sparkling shiraz
The rich taste of a juicy blueberry pie, subtle notes of ripe cherries and a light play of velvety t..
Korbel califorina Champagne Mini
Champagne Korbel califorina Champagne Mini
Champagne "Korbel California Champagne Mini" is a sparkling and fresh drink that will take you to th..
Korbel California Champagne
Champagne Korbel California Champagne extra dry
Korbel California Champagne is an exceptional combination of sophistication and quality, created for..
Korbel Champagne
Champagne Korbel Champagne extra dry 375ml
Champagne Korbel Champagne is a sparkling drink that personifies luxury and sophistication. Its ligh..
Korbel Champagne
Champagne Korbel Champagne extra dry 1.5L
Korbel Champagne is the sparkling embodiment of luxury and sophistication. Immerse yourself in the w..
Korbel Champagne
Champagne Korbel Champagne brut 3L
Champagne Korbel Champagne is a sparkling drink that is designed to enliven any holiday and create a..
Korbel Natural Champagne
Champagne Korbel Natural Champagne 750ml
Korbel Natural Champagne is an exceptional combination of sophistication and quality. Shades of gold..
Korbel Natural Champagne inaugural
Champagne Korbel Natural Champagne inaugural 750ml
Champagne Korbel Natural Champagne inaugural is an exceptional creation of winemaking art, which is ..
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