Sparkling wine

Korbel sec Champagne
Champagne Korbel sec Champagne dry 750ml
Sparkling and tender, like the first kiss in the moonlight, Korbel sec Champagne champagne will deco..
Sparkling wine Kornet white medium dry 750ml
Kornet is a light amber color wine with a sparkling bouquet that pleasantly surrounds the nose. The ..
Sparkling wine Kornet white dry 750ml
Wine "Kornet" is the perfect combination of sparkling notes and harmonious balance. It has rich and ..
Sparkling wine Kraemer brut 750ml
"Kraemer" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value exceptional quality and unique ..
Sparkling wine Kremlin white medium dry 750ml
"Kremlin" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value luxury and sophistication. Its ..
Sparkling wine Kremlin white medium sweet 750ml
Sparkling wine "Kremlin" is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. Its velvety taste with..
Sparkling wine Kremlin white brut 750ml
"Kremlin" is an exquisite sparkling wine that invites you on a fascinating journey through the luxur..
Kremlin Muscat
Sparkling wine Kremlin Muscat white medium sweet 750ml
"Kremlin Muscat" is an exquisite sparkling wine created for true connoisseurs of pleasure. Its delic..
Sparkling wine drink Krepost white medium sweet 750ml
"Krepost" is a sparkling wine drink that carefully matures in the underground cellars of an ancient ..
Sparkling wine drink Krepost white medium sweet 750ml
"Krepost" is a fresh and refined sparkling wine drink created for true wine connoisseurs. Its unique..
Sparkling wine Krim white brut 750ml
Wine “Krim” is a unique sparkling wine from Crimea, made from the best varieties of dry grape wines...
Sparkling wine Krim white medium sweet 750ml
Krim is a sparkling wine with an incredibly harmonious and balanced taste. It consists of juicy berr..
Krim Classic
Sparkling wine Krim Classic white brut 750ml
Krim Classic is an exquisite sparkling wine created for those who value true quality and refined tas..
Krim Classic
Sparkling wine Krim Classic white medium sweet 750ml
Krim Classic is a sparkling wine produced on the Crimean peninsula. Wine is made from cultivated gra..
Sparkling wine Krimart 3 years white brut 750ml
Krimart is an exceptional sparkling wine made from the finest grape varieties collected in the most ..
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