Sparkling wine

Sparkling wine Krimskoe red medium sweet 750ml
"Krimskoe" is an exquisite sparkling wine that invites you to enjoy the bright notes of ripe fruit a..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe red medium sweet 750ml
Krimskoe is a wine with a long and amazing historical origin. This is a wonderful sparkling wine fro..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe red brut 750ml
"Krimskoe" is an exquisite sparkling wine created on the sunny slopes of the Crimean Mountains, wher..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe red brut 700ml
Immerse yourself in the world of exquisite taste with sparkling wine "Crimean". This is an elegant a..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe red brut 700ml
Delicate sparkling wine "Krimskoe" is a real pearl of the Crimean peninsula. The combination of fres..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white brut 750ml
Sparkling and fresh wine "Krimskoe" is the true embodiment of the Crimean sun and sea breeze. Its br..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white brut 750ml
"Krimskoe" is a magnificent sparkling wine created with love and art on the beautiful slopes of the ..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white medium dry 750ml
"Krimskoe" is an elegant sparkling wine created from selected grapes grown on the picturesque slopes..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white medium sweet 750ml
Sparkling wine "Krimskoe" is the true embodiment of luxury and sophistication. Created on the sunny ..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white medium sweet 750ml
Krimskoe is a wine with a sparkling texture, grown in the hilly regions of Crimea. It is a mixture o..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white dry 700ml
Sparkling wine "Krimskoe" is a sophisticated, foaming wine that dances on the tongue, created on the..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white medium dry 750ml
Sparkling and fresh wine "Crimean" is a real pearl in the world of sparkling drinks. Its unique tast..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white medium sweet 750ml
Sparkling and exciting, Krimskoe wine brings into your life the unique taste and aroma of the sea br..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe brut 750ml
Dazzling sparkling wine "Krimskoe" is a true embodiment of sophistication and charm. Its delicate pe..
Sparkling wine Krimskoe white medium dry 750ml
Wine "Krimskoe" is something unique, thanks to the unusual combination of fresh aromas of citrus and..
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