Sparkling wine drink El Macasso Bianco Semidolce white medium sweet 8% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 8 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  8–10 °C
  • Italy

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El Macasso Bianco Semidolce is a wine from the Catalonia region of Spain, made from Macabeo and Parellada grape varieties. This sparkling wine is created using the Freshhouse method and has an aroma of soft floral notes and sweet fruity aromas. The taste is delicately spicy and rich, and the aftertaste is long and pleasant. It is suitable for dinner, as well as for a friendly party. This wine is perfect to serve with desserts, such as butter cake or chocolate desserts.


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