Sparkling wine Medici Lambrusco dell'Emilia Rosato Dolce Frizzante rose sweet 8% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 8 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  6–8 °C
  • Grape:   Lambrusco 
  • Italy   Emilia-Romagna

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Medici Lambrusco dell'Emilia Rosato Dolce Frizzante is certainly a pleasant sparkling wine that attracts attention with its lively pink color and colorful cherry aroma. It is very light and pleasant to taste, containing a small amount of density, which gives great depth to the taste. The taste is delicate, sparkling and at the same time permeated with bright notes of cherry. The wine is sweet and pleasant, but not too sweet. Great for a stormy day or a more fancy dinner. Medici Lambrusco dell'Emilia Rosato Dolce Frizzante is the perfect wine for any occasion.


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