Sparkling wine Moscow white brut 13% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  brut  5-15 g/l
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Serving temperature  8–10 °C
  • Russia

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Moscow is the perfect wine to create an unforgettable experience. It has a bright amber color, a fresh aroma with notes of lychee and green apple, and a rich, sweet flavor with notes of raisins and woody flavors. It's perfect for making interesting cocktails and dishes, and perfect for making desserts. This wine quickly became popular among wine fans from Moscow and other regions of Russia. It is made from grape varieties growing on the outskirts of Moscow and prepared with love and care. This is a unique and beautiful wine that will give you many pleasant moments and unforgettable pleasure.


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