Sparkling wine Rocca Gloriosa Spumante Malvasia Moscato white sweet 7% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 7 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Malvasia   Moscato
  • Italy

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Wine "Rocca Gloriosa Spumante Malvasia Moscato" is a magnificent sparkling wine with a magical aroma and aroma of fragrant flowers. The wine combines the aromas of malvasia and muscat, distinguished by its velvety and tenderness in taste. Taste characteristics are represented by a pleasant combination of bittersweet notes of fruit and melon. Great for desserts and after dinner enjoyment. This is simply the perfect wine that is perfect for various gastronomic adventures. It will give you a unique feeling of fresh aromas that cannot be forgotten.


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