Sparkling wine Crimean white medium dry

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Grape:   Aligote   Chardonnay   Pinot Blanc   Pinot Franc    Pinot Meunier   Pinot Noir   Riesling
  • Russia

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Krymskoe Igristoe is an incredible grape infusion that saturates your imagination with its incredible aroma and taste. On the palate, the wine is a velvety combination of soft mint and delicate orange acidity. The aroma of the wine is characterized by light accords of sweet lime, beeswax and delicate notes of seed. The wine has a light and penetrating body with a pleasant and long-lasting main note. Goes great with hearty apple and tomato salads, as well as pilaf and rice dishes. Crimean Sparkling is the ideal wine for any occasion.


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