Sparkling wine Artemovskoe white brut 10-13.5% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  brut  0-12 g/l
  • Strength  10-13.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Aligote   Chardonnay   Pinot Blanc   Pinot Franc    Pinot Meunier   Pinot Noir   Riesling
  • Ukraine

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"Artemovskoe" is a wine that has a unique aroma and taste. It has a wonderful juicy taste with notes of sweet fruit, a pleasant aftertaste and a long-lasting aroma. It is the perfect solution for any festive setting and goes perfectly with fish, seafood and cheese dishes. In addition, it has a beautiful shade of yellow, which makes it especially attractive. "Artemovskoe" is a truly tasty and attractive wine that is interesting to try and prepare.


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