Sparkling wine Cavatina Moscato Spumante white sweet 7% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 7 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Italy   Piedmont

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Cavatina Moscato Spumante is a rich and noble wine with aromatic notes of acidic berry. It's delicious and fresh, with soft, thin, foamy buns that add lightness and a hint of flavor. The color of the wine is golden with a brilliant flash. The aroma of the wine is wonderful, with notes of sweet berries, melon, orange and honey. The taste is incredibly pleasant and balanced, the combination of sweetness and acidity is transmitted to our tongue with every sip. Cavatina Moscato Spumante wine is perfect for cakes and desserts, as well as to complement any mood.


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