Sparkling wine Schlumberger On Ice Rose rose medium sweet 11.5% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Strength 11.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Austria   Lower Austria

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Schlumberger On Ice Rose is a sparkling wine that gives real pleasure. It has an incredibly pleasant aroma of a combination of sweetness and bitterness, which can be compared to the aroma of berries. The main difference between Schlumberger On Ice Rose is the rich and memorable taste of delicate pink berries, giving the wine lightness and refreshing pleasantness. The wine is well suited for summer evenings and holidays, great for preparing seafood dishes and salads, as well as for desserts. Drink Schlumberger On Ice Rose in style for a truly satisfying experience for you and your guests.