Sparkling wine Peterburgskoe white medium sweet 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium sweet
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Russia

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Peterburgskoe creates a sophisticated gastronomic experience with its fresh citrus aromas and light fruity notes. The wine has a soft and strong taste, completed by a pleasant aftertaste. Ideal to accompany your favorite dishes. It is ideal for friendly gatherings or as a gift for a loved one. It will be a great addition to any sweet or savory dessert. The combination of citrus and fruity aromas with smooth tannins creates the perfect environment for interacting with friends and family. This wine comes from the cool vineyards of St. Petersburg, where the most delicious berries grow for the production of sparkling wine. St. Petersburg sparkling wine is a combination of exceptional taste and rich history.


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