Sparkling wine Tsymlyanskoe Igristoe red sweet 11.5% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 11.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Krasnostop   Kumshatsky    Plechistik   Saperavi   Tsimladar   Tsimlyansky black
  • Russia

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"Tsymlyanskoe Igristoe" is a wine with a delightful aroma of fresh citrus and bay leaves. It perfectly expresses its aromatic notes, which combine light bitterness and delicate grapefruit nuances. The color of the wine is light golden, and it tastes very pleasant, with a slight bitterness and pleasant sourness. It is ideal for preparing fresh seafood and fruit desserts. This wine is ideal for creating an unforgettable atmosphere for your parties.


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