Sparkling wine Cava Codorniu Clasico Seco rose dry 11.5% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  dry
  • Strength 11.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Grenache
  • Spain

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Cava Codorniu Clasico Seco is an excellent wine-crystal drink that has a unique and rich aromatics. The wine is made from local walnuts, other fruits and a large amount of dried fruits. During production, ancient technologies are used, which make it possible to give the wine a unique taste and aroma. The rich and sweet taste present in this wine is emphasized by a long aftertaste. The wine is ideal for various dishes and goes well with both light snacks and heavy side dishes. The drink is an ideal alternative for all festive celebrations and serves as an excellent accompaniment for various meals.


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