Sparkling wine Crimean heritage Crimean white brut 13% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  brut  5-15 g/l
  • Strength 13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  •   Crimea

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Crimean heritage Crimean is a legendary wine produced in Crimea. It is made from Crimean grape varieties, such as Crimean sapernik, Crimean cabernet, etc. This sparkling wine surpasses many other wines in its taste. The taste is sweet and colorful, and the aroma provides a pleasant combination of fruits, ripe berries and flowers. The alcohol content of Crimean heritage Crimean is 11 degrees. This wine is traditionally used in Crimea to celebrate holidays and holiday parties. Crimean heritage Crimean is the perfect addition to any treat.


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