Sparkling wine Salute golden-domed seasoned white medium dry 10.5-13% 750ml

  • Color:  white
  • Sugar:  medium dry
  • Strength 10.5-13 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Russia

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"Salute golden-domed seasoned" is an exquisite sparkling wine that fills every sip with radiant joy and tenderness. Its golden hue and sparkling bubbles are reminiscent of the sunset over the ancient golden domes, giving the drink a special mystery and grandeur. The refreshing taste of ripe fruit and delicate notes of spice create a unique bouquet that invites everyone to savor the moment and raise a glass in honor of life and love. Immerse yourself in the world of luxury and elegance with "Salute golden-domed seasoned" and allow yourself to plunge into the ocean of bliss and pleasure. Cheers!


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