Sparkling wine Grande France rose sweet 10-13.5% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 10-13.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml

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"Grande France" is a wine with incredible taste and aroma that attracts many wine lovers and professionals. A unique combination of grape varieties is used in production, which makes the taste of this wine unique and irreplaceable. The floral aroma of this sparkling wine is best marked by notes of citrus, fruit and honey aromas, and when sipped you will discover sweet and refined notes of apples and lemon. On the aftertaste you will feel a slight bitterness and a long-lasting aroma with pleasant notes of citrus and fruit flavors. This wine is also ideal for rich and light dishes, as well as more demanding dishes prepared according to French recipes. "Grande France" is the ideal wine for those who appreciate the true art of winemaking.


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