Sparkling wine Mare Magnum Castel Mare Prosecco Rose rose extra dry 11.5% 750ml

  • Color:  rose
  • Sugar:  extra dry
  • Strength 11.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Glera

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Mare Magnum Castel Mare Prosecco Rose is a sparkling wine from the beautiful and fertile vineyards of Veneto. It has a bright, lively aroma of a combination of citrus fruits with woody and floral notes. The taste is perfectly balanced, the fusion of aromas and flavors creates a rich flow and rich depth. This sparkling wine is ideal for serving on holiday tables or for a simple meal. It has a wonderful bright aroma and sweetish taste that make it an ideal addition to any dish. Enjoy the exceptional taste of Mare Magnum Castel Mare Prosecco Rose!


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