Strong Drinks

Taaka Coconut
Vodka Taaka Coconut 1.75L
Taaka Coconut is an exotic tropical beach experience captured in every sip. The combination of the d..
Taaka Fruit punch
Vodka Taaka Fruit punch 750ml
Taaka Fruit Punch is a sparkling vodka inspired by bright and juicy fruit cocktails. Its refreshing ..
Taaka Fruit punch
Vodka Taaka Fruit punch 1.75L
Taaka Fruit Punch is an exotic combination of ripe tropical fruits and pure vodka that sparks the im..
Taaka grp
Vodka Taaka grp 1.75L
Taaka grp is an exceptionally pure and refined vodka, created for true connoisseurs of quality alcoh..
Taaka Orange
Vodka Taaka Orange 1.75L
Taaka Orange is an exceptionally fresh and aromatic drink that will bring vivid impressions and a un..
Taaka Orange
Vodka Taaka Orange 1L
Taaka Orange is a sparkling play of orange sun and pure vodka. The refined taste of ripe oranges, sh..
Taaka Orange
Vodka Taaka Orange 750ml
Taaka Orange is an excellent vodka with a bright and juicy orange flavor that captivates you from th..
Taaka pch
Vodka Taaka pch 1.75L
Taaka pch is an elegant and refined vodka created for connoisseurs of true quality. Its unique taste..
Taaka pch
Vodka Taaka pch 1L
Taaka pch is an exceptionally pure and elegant vodka created for true connoisseurs of quality alcoho..
Taaka pch
Vodka Taaka pch 100ml
Taaka pch is a true symbol of luxury and sophistication. This vodka is perfectly balanced and has a ..
Taaka Peach
Vodka Taaka Peach 200ml
Taaka Peach is a delicate and refreshing drink created for true vodka connoisseurs. The combination ..
Taaka Peach
Vodka Taaka Peach 375ml
The delicate and juicy flavor of ripe peach mixed with the subtle spiciness and purity of vodka is w..
Taaka Peach
Vodka Taaka Peach 750ml
Taaka Peach is an exquisite vodka created for connoisseurs of true quality. Its unique aroma of juic..
Taaka pine vodka lse
Vodka Taaka pine vodka lse 100ml
Taaka pine vodka lse is an exquisite drink with a refined taste of pine resin, which gives it a spec..
Taaka pineapple
Vodka Taaka pineapple 200ml
Taaka Pineapple is a sparkling vodka infused with bright notes of ripe pineapple. Its refreshing tas..
Found 49917