Strong Drinks

Taaka pineapple
Vodka Taaka pineapple 375ml
Taaka Pineapple is a refreshing and juicy vodka that will transport you to a tropical island from th..
Taaka pineapple
Vodka Taaka pineapple 750ml
Taaka Pineapple is a fresh and exotic taste that will transport you to a tropical island surrounded ..
Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60
Vodka Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60 1.75L
Taaka Pink Lemonade Vodka 60 is a sparkling drink that combines the delicacy of pink lemonade with t..
Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60
Vodka Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60 750ml
Delicate and refreshing, Taaka Pink Lemonade Vodka 60 is the perfect combination of elegance and bri..
Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60
Vodka Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60 100ml
Taaka Pink Lemonade Vodka 60 is a sparklingly refreshing drink that combines the delicate taste of p..
Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60
Vodka Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60 200ml
Taaka Pink Lemonade Vodka 60 is an exceptionally fresh and vibrant drink that will transport you to ..
Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60
Vodka Taaka pink lemonade vodka 60 375ml
Taaka Pink Lemonade Vodka 60 is a skillfully balanced combination of refreshing lemonade and quality..
Taaka Raspberry
Vodka Taaka Raspberry 1.75L
Taaka Raspberry is an exceptionally delicate and refreshing drink that is designed to surprise even ..
Taaka Raspberry
Vodka Taaka Raspberry 200ml
Taaka Raspberry is an exquisite combination of pure vodka and the fresh natural taste of raspberries..
Taaka Raspberry
Vodka Taaka Raspberry 375ml
Taaka Raspberry is a sparkling-fresh vodka with a unique aroma of ripe raspberries and a delicate ta..
Taaka Raspberry
Vodka Taaka Raspberry 750ml
Taaka Raspberry is an exceptionally refreshing vodka with a unique taste of ripe raspberries that en..
Taaka Raspberry
Vodka Taaka Raspberry 100ml
Enjoy the enchanting taste and aroma of fresh raspberries with Taaka Raspberry vodka. This sophistic..
Taaka Red berry
Vodka Taaka Red berry 1.75L
Taaka Red Berry is a sparkling clear vodka with a unique taste of juicy red berries. Its aroma is fi..
Taaka Red berry
Vodka Taaka Red berry 750ml
Taaka Red Berry is a sparkling berry drink that surrounds you with an atmosphere of celebration and ..
Taaka Red vodka 100
Vodka Taaka Red vodka 100 750ml
Taaka Red vodka 100 is an exceptionally harmonious combination of expressive taste and exquisite aro..
Found 49917