Vodka Our Traditions Premium 40% 250ml

  • Strength 40 %
  • Volume 250 ml
  • Russia

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Our Traditions Premium is a high-quality vodka, a true legend in the world of alcoholic beverages. It is made from natural ingredients and undergoes strict quality control. The well-deserved recognition of this vodka by consumers is due to its fresh and pleasant aroma, excellent taste and strong, consistent aftertaste. The advertised vodka "Our Traditions Premium" contains natural ingredients, namely: young wheat, yeast, milk thistle and medicinal plants. This makes the vodka very easy to drink and gives it a real aroma and taste. The finished vodka is transparent and has a light yellow tint. That is why our vodka "Our Traditions Premium" wins the trust of consumers and becomes an integral part of the traditional festive atmosphere.


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