Whiskey Tap 357 Bourbon Blended 40.5% 750ml

  • Whiskey type:  Bourbon
  • Blend:  Blended
  • Strength 40.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Canada

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Bourbon Tap 357 is a truly sophisticated whiskey suitable for any occasion. This is a rich and balanced whiskey that is housed in American oak barrels to ensure the best possible flavor and aroma. It has a classic taste imparted by soft flowers and velvety notes of woody spices, as well as rich aromas of caramel and dried fruit. This is a whiskey that offers you a special unique and refined driving taste palette. It is soft and pleasant on the palate, with a long-lasting and balanced finish. Enjoy the pleasant taste of Whiskey Tap 357 and discover the true pleasure of this exquisite bourbon.


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