Whiskey Laphroaig cairdeas Single Malt 50.5% 750ml

  • Whiskey type:  Scotch
  • Blend:  Single Malt
  • Strength 50.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml

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Inspired by the spirit of friendship and solidarity, Laphroaig Cairdeas whiskey is the perfect combination of peat smoke, sea freshness and sweet notes of vanilla. This unique drink represents the long tradition and art of whiskey from the famous Laphroaig distillery on the island of Isla. The rich taste and exquisite aroma of this drink are reminiscent of friendly gatherings around the fire and give a unique experience to every connoisseur of real whiskey. Surprisingly harmonious and captivating, Laphroaig Cairdeas is the ideal choice for those who value exceptional quality and refined taste in every sip.


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