Whiskey Buffalo Trace bourbon 45% 750ml

  • Whiskey type:  Bourbon
  • Strength 45 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • USA

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Buffalo Trace Bourbon is a true classic of American whiskey. This golden drink is prepared according to an ancient recipe, using traditional ingredients and production processes. Cereal extract, obtained from small grains of bread wheat and soft millet. The distillation process occurs in two stages. The first stage is a slow distillation in a bronze cauldron, which increases the mass of the extract and gives the taste a “honey note”. The second stage is pure distillation in a copper cauldron, which gives the whiskey softness and a slight bitterness. Buffalo Trace whiskey is characterized by a pleasant bitterness and elegant aroma with notes of pepper, honey, vanilla and wood. It is ideal for home parties or tea parties with friends.


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