
Cahor 34 750ml
34 is a unique wine made from the best grape varieties. The taste of this wonderful drink is charact..
Ai-Serez Massandra
Cahor Ai-Serez Massandra red sweet 750ml
Ai-Serez Massandra is a beautiful wine with a history that goes back decades. From the very beginnin..
Ai-Serez Massandra
Cahor Ai-Serez Massandra red 750ml
Ai-Serez Massandra is an amazing wine from the beautiful Crimea region. The combination of the aroma..
Alianta Vin Cahors Pastoral
Cahor Alianta Vin Cahors Pastoral red sweet 750ml
Alianta Vin Cahors Pastoral is a rich and complex wine produced in the northern part of France. The ..
Balsam phanagoria number reserve
Cahor Balsam phanagoria number reserve sweet 750ml
Cahors "Balsam Phanagoria Number Reserve" is an exquisite drink with a rich wine bouquet and unique ..
Bostavan Pastoral
Cahor Bostavan Pastoral red sweet 750ml
Bostavan Pastoral is a wine with a rich history and provenance. It is created using the best natural..
Cahor Bulgarian red sweet 750ml
This delicious alcoholic drink "Bulgarian Kagor" is a real find for connoisseurs of refined taste. I..
Cahor Cahor-32 red sweet 700ml
Cahor "Cahor-32" is a refined and noble alcoholic drink that combines harmony and richness of flavor..
Cahor Cahor-32 red sweet 700ml
Created for true wine connoisseurs, the alcoholic drink "Cahor-32" is the perfect combination of exq..
Cahor Cahors
Kagor is a real gift for all wine lovers. This wine has a bright, floral aroma with notes of almond ..
Cahors 32
Cahor Cahors 32
32 is an incredible wine with a combination of fresh fruit notes and deep aromas of nuts and oak. Th..
Dioni.Club kag.vk spec.
Cahor Dioni.Club kag.vk spec. 750ml
The rich and refined aroma of grapes and plums, with notes of vanilla and tobacco, will give your ev..
Cahor Driada red sweet 1L
Driada is a special brand of wine that attracts many wine lovers with its unique aroma and taste. Th..
Fanagoria Numeric Reserve
Cahor Fanagoria Numeric Reserve red 750ml
Kagor Fanagorii Nomernoy Rrezerv is an exquisite white wine produced from the most valuable grape va..
Golitsinskie Vina Kagor Ukrainsky
Cahor Golitsinskie Vina Kagor Ukrainsky
Golitsinskie Vina Kagor Ukrainsky is an exceptional wine produced in Ukraine on the Golitsinsky-Kago..
Found 46
Cahors is a wine that is famous for its richness and depth of taste, which are created due to the special conditions of its production. Cahors is obtained by stopping the fermentation of wine at the point when the residual sugar in the wine reaches a certain level, which gives it a characteristic sweetness. Also, to give the wine a special depth and richness, it is aged in oak barrels. The taste of Cahors is unique due to the combination of sweetness and acidity, which are organically combined and complement each other, and the aroma is reminiscent of cherries, chocolate and spices. Cahors is an ideal wine for tasting after dinner in a cozy company, which will perfectly complement any dessert or will serve as an independent treat.