Port wine Barao de Vilar - Vinhos Maynard's Fine Ruby Porto red sweet 19.5% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 19.5 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Portugal   Douro

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Barao de Vilar - Vinhos Maynard's Fine Ruby Porto is an incredibly beautiful and rich wine with a velvety texture and excellent balance. The aroma of this exquisite wine is pleasant and deep, consisting of notes of various fruits such as apple, hawthorn, cherry and others. The taste combines shades of sweetness and bitterness, as well as notes of spicy spices and fine tannins. In the aftertaste the wine has a tart and noble aroma. The rich and refined taste of Barao de Vilar - Vinhos Maynard's Fine Ruby Porto deserves to be prepared and awakened in the best possible way.


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