Port wine Borges Tawny Porto red sweet 19% 750ml

  • Color:  red
  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 19 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Grape:   Tinta Barroca   Touriga Nacional

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Borges Tawny Porto is an exceptional wine created in the crystal clear Portuguese region of Dubrovnik. The unique hue of this wine comes from years of fermentation in breadcrumbs and American oak. It has a red-brown color and a rich aroma with fruity tones of cherry and orange, as well as notes of almond and cinnamon. The taste of Borges Tawny Porto is simply delicate and harmonious; it goes well with desserts and cakes. This wine is great for the last bite of chocolate and other desserts. It will give you unique pleasure and will be an excellent addition to any sweet treat.


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