Sherry Bodegas Dios Baco DIOS BACO AMONTILLADO sweet 18% 750ml

  • Sugar:  sweet
  • Strength 18 %
  • Volume 750 ml
  • Spain   Andalusia

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Bodegas Dios Baco DIOS BACO AMONTILLADO is an incredible wine made from true Amontillado-dried fruit Fino del Pi grapes. This wine has vibrant aromas of aromatic dried fruits that pair beautifully with rich and dense woody notes. On the palate, this wine is a combination of warm grape and wood notes with deep and rich malt notes. On the finish, this wine has a long and sweet finish that draws you to the bottle again and again. Bodegas Dios Baco DIOS BACO AMONTILLADO is a wonderful wine that is worth trying.


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